This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Mon May 01, 2017 10:33 pm

"And yet, they chose the son and probable heir of their sensei in the Arts they use. An odd juxtaposition."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Mon May 01, 2017 10:37 pm

Tomoe shrugged. "Perhaps they hoped he would find someone to marry into the Family, rather than for him to marry out. The Unicorn are still not familiar with all the ways of the Empire, but I find them to be fast learners in my time here, teaching history and answering whatever questions they might have."

"But even if he were to marry out, none would expect him to share his clan's secrets on their Arts. It's never been a standard before in the Empire, and I doubt it will become one now."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Mon May 01, 2017 11:05 pm

"Save, perhaps, for any children he might have. And, with the Unicorn deciding the standards, they could have made it so he was nearly impossible to marry out. They did not. It makes me wonder if a political opponent of his father's was involved in the crafting of this miai."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Mon May 01, 2017 11:11 pm

Tomoe chuckled innocently. "Seppun-sama, with all due respect, it does not seem to be in the Unicorn's nature to arrange these sort of things to their own advantage. They seem to be a very honest people, unused to the politicking of the Empire."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Tue May 02, 2017 12:15 am

"mmm. Possibly. But, don't think for a moment that the honesty they seem to espouse means there are no difficulties between them. It merely means it is expressed differently than we might expect it to."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Tue May 02, 2017 9:08 am

"Of course," the Hare nodded. Not that she quite agreed with the Imperial, she didn't disagree outright.

"So what is it that Seppun-sama are looking for a in a good husband? Both Kemuri-san and Hanashi-san are good, honorable samurai, but with different personalities."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Tue May 02, 2017 6:08 pm

"Attention to duty, knowledge, understanding. The usual, I suppose."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Tue May 02, 2017 6:13 pm

The usual? Tomoe raised an eyebrow.

"Well, in broad-strokes, yes, I suppose that is what all samurai are looking for. But you have no preferences? I mean, Hanashi-san has a rather... err... notable wound from their trek back to the Empire," Tomoe gestured to her eye, indicating what Hanashi's injury was. "That's not something Seppun-sama finds to be a fault?"
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Tue May 02, 2017 6:19 pm

"I don't know why that would matter. So long as he could perform all -all- his duties, it shouldn't matter. Oh, a nice outside is a good bonus, but it isn't a requirement. This seems to be something where I am different from others that got sent here. I am a Seppun, and we are almost always focused on our eternal duty, to protect the Emperor, and prepare for the future of protecting him. Anything else is nice, not required."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Tue May 02, 2017 6:30 pm

Then why didn't you just send your matchmaker a message, and spare yourself the trouble of attending at all? The Hare thought with both brows raised. "I see."

Lowering them again, she put those thoughts aside. "I must have been given a different impression in my meeting with your fellow Seppun... especially hearing the declaration of love between Seppun Hideo and Ide Amaya during the musical performances. My apologies for having misunderstood, Seppun-sama."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Tue May 02, 2017 6:36 pm

"Oh, my cousin was lucky enough; it seems Benten-no-Fortune has blessed him. I, on the other hand, have not been so blessed this time." She shrugs. "I hoped for such, but none of the men really grabbed at me, so I revert back to duty."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Tue May 02, 2017 6:39 pm

Well, that was a different matter. Why didn't you just say so?

"Ah... I can see that problem. Especially since there are so few Unicorn compared to guests. Still, from what I've seen and heard, it does not seem like Hanashi-san has caught the eye of anyone in particular either, so you might find your chance there, Seppun-sama. He is fond of stories and especially telling them," Tomoe offered, so that Hitako could know of a way to break the ice with him.

"I wish you the best of luck in finding someone who will become a harmonious match with you."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Tue May 02, 2017 6:49 pm

"A harmonious match would be nice. Not required, but nice. Still, Shinjo Hanashi-san has been recommended enough I will have to see if I can find him to speak to him. After all, sometimes there are those personality disputes that simply can't be overcome, not when one has a choice. I don't know yet, but I will have to try."
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Tue May 02, 2017 6:54 pm

"Have you met anyone yet whose personalities are simply... unsuited?" the Hare asked, cocking her head a little to the side.
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Re: This Is My Idea (Day 9, Late Morning, Hitako's)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Tue May 02, 2017 10:42 pm

"mmm. One. While I think he and I could be good friends, we would clash too much as husband and wife. A Moto Butaj-san. I like him, but as a sibling, not a potential mate."
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