The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Mon May 01, 2017 12:05 am

Mizuki shakes her head. "If it could be broken, it would have been. And the Curse has a nice little bit where the more you try to avoid it, the worse it will be. I try to accept it. That way I hope my betrayal will be more leaving boots in the rain and less like poisoned soup."
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Moto Baatar on Mon May 01, 2017 12:56 am

Baatar nodded. "Curses are slippery that way," he admitted. "My people tell stories of dark gods placing terrible curses on us to avenge petty slights made by our ancestors, too. I like to think that if we give the gods a little respect, maybe they won't take their revenge. You know, a little incense now and then, maybe a bowl of rice on a festival day. Most likely the gods don't really care and they'll do what they want anyway."

"But you never know."
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Mon May 01, 2017 1:59 am

"Well, it was the Ninth that placed it, so there will be no placating him. But I appreciate the thought. May I ask about curse on your line? Moto Silvia told me about it and I'm curious of what another thinks about it."
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Moto Baatar on Mon May 01, 2017 2:25 am

"Sure," Baatar nodded. "Wayyyy back in ancient times, everybody used to worship the ten gods who rule the underworld, who are called the Shi-Tien Yen-Wang. When you die, you have to stand before them and they judge your spirit for all the bad things you've done in your life."

"My tribe was the favorite of the ten gods back then, and so we roamed around the desert killing bad guys for the old gods," Baatar recounted. "Eventually our tribe ran into Lady Shinjo and what was the Unicorn Clan back then, and we fought. Lady Shinjo defeated the old gods, and Moto - the first Moto - swore fealty to her and turned his back on the old gods."

"The gods were displeased at this, but what could they do? Shinjo was stronger," Baatar said. "They couldn't beat her, but they laid a curse on Moto and his descendants. There are a lot of ways this curse can hit you: bad luck, madness, getting thrown from a horse, wasting disease. Stuff like that."

"The old gods are still around, just weaker because they have fewer worshippers," he explained. "But the curse skips a generation sometimes, and sometimes it can be placated with the right prayers and offerings."

[OOC caveat: Baatar's explanation is what he believes, and is not guaranteed to be true]
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Mon May 01, 2017 2:49 am

Mizuki nods. "I see." Is it a true Curse or just superstition? "Do the ones who suffer from this curse know of it like those of us with the Yogo Curse?"
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Moto Baatar on Mon May 01, 2017 11:03 am

"Yes, nearly all the true descendants of Moto inherit a piece of this curse. I'm among them, as are many in my family," Baatar readily acknowledged. "People say it can be averted by slaughtering a goat before a child is born, or putting ashes on the baby's forehead every night. It doesn't always work." He shrugged.

"I give offerings to the death gods sometimes, to pay respect. But if death comes for me, so be it," Baatar said. "A man can't hide in his tent, afraid of a curse for all his life. That's not living at all."
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Mon May 01, 2017 3:21 pm

"I can respect that." He goes on the list. I won't stand in the way of him and Hotaru, but she makes the foolish choice to go with Dong-Ha though.... "I feel much the same way about the Yogo Curse."

Mizuki shakes her head. "Well, maybe it's time for more pleasant subjects. What do you like to do for enjoyment?"
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Moto Baatar on Mon May 01, 2017 3:31 pm

It was a sharp change of subject, but the young Unicorn took it in stride.

"I like riding," Baatar said. "Galloping across the plains, the wind in your hair... nothing compares to it. I like singing and music, and stories of heroic deeds, and drinking with friends. I like taking care of animals." He glanced over at the puppies with a warm smile; thankfully, Gölöghime was resting quietly and not tearing anything up at that moment.

"Since coming to the miai I've been trying to learn some of the eastern games and entertainments," he added. "I played a game of Go, and learned a little poesy, though I'm not too good at either one yet. I hear the Scorpion have really great kabuki plays; is that true? I might like to see one someday."
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Mon May 01, 2017 3:38 pm

Mizuki nods. "Hai. The Shosuro in particular are known for their plays. I have been in a few. They're quite fun. Does the Unicorn have their own plays?"
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Moto Baatar on Mon May 01, 2017 3:48 pm

"Not really," Baatar said. "Mostly we gather around fires and sing, or tell stories. Have you really been in plays before? Acting seems like it could be fun!"
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Mon May 01, 2017 4:51 pm

"It is. It's fun to be a different person for a little while. It is also nice to know you are bringing pleasure to the audience. I admit, the plays I was in were just little things done by my fellow students. Not the grand Shosuro productions." Mizuki has an idea. "I don't know where you will end up, but if you are ever in Ryoko Owari, find me. If I am there, I will take you and your companions to a play."
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Moto Baatar on Tue May 02, 2017 3:06 pm

"That would be very kind of you," Baatar said, smiling. "I should like that."

"Is Ryoko Owari your home, then?" he asked. "I've heard it is a big city, is that right?"
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Tue May 02, 2017 3:47 pm

Mizuki nods. "Hai. After my gempukku, I began serving a lord from Ryoko Owari. It is one of the largest cities in the Empire. Did you visit any large cities on your travels?"
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Moto Baatar on Wed May 03, 2017 10:17 am

"The only big city I've seen is Medinaat al-Salaam, in Burning Sands far to the west," Baatar replied. "It's built around an oasis on a big river, so it's rich and lush despite being surrounded by desert; because of this, they also call it 'the Jewel of the Desert.' "

"The city is filled with countless buildings, both huge palaces and cramped hovels, and there are broad thoroughfares and alleys so cramped you couldn't lead a horse down them, they're so narrow. I've heard it said there must be hundreds of thousands of people there, though I've no idea how anyone could count them all. Merchants from the four corners of the world trade in its marketplaces."

"They call it 'civilization', but it's also full of thieves and assassins, and on hot days, it smells bad. And it's nearly always hot." Baatar grinned.
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Re: The Unicorn and Scorpion (D8 LA) [Mizuki's Room]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Wed May 03, 2017 4:12 pm

"Fascinating. I think I would have like to go there sometime. Regardless of the smell. So, people from all the various gaijin nations go there to meet?"
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