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[Day 1 - Early Morning] Lessons for the Children

PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:58 pm
by Shinjo Hanashi
Shinjo Hanashi was one to wake up before the sun most days, for a teller of tales had one very important duty. Outside of his yurt a campfire was set, coals smoldering low. A number of young unicorn sat around the fire, paying close attention.

Telling those tales to the children who needed to listen. And sure, it meant the children were out from underfoot early in the morning when most of his clan wanted to go out riding before the rest of their duties would take over. And certainly, the children wanted to be doing that too. But so far his time at Dark Edge Village was going well. A smattering of kids, about seven, old enough to listen to a few sentences in a row as long as the one-eyed Hanashi included sound effects and hand motions, paid rapt attention as Hanashi regaled them with the tale of the founding of the Empire.

It seemed like the most apt one, seeing as the kids would be seeing members of the other clans; normally he'd wait to teach older kids the story. Hopefully he'd get to hear the other clans talk a bit in the coming days...he very much wanted to have an accurate accent for the different Kami.

Re: [Day 1 - Early Morning] Lessons for the Children

PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:34 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
Having arrived with a Unicorn contingent a few days ago, well before most visitors a pair of lions are crouched nearby in the shadow of a yurt, listening to the Unicorn story. Ryori compares notes mentally with his mothers stories on the subject, unsure if inconsistencies are because of his memory or the centuries of seperation. His sister yawns lazily in the early morning sun stretched out in the dirt.

Re: [Day 1 - Early Morning] Lessons for the Children

PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:45 am
by Shinjo Hanashi
After some time, he sets the children a traditional question, "If the kami had dueled in a different order, what would the results have been?"

Delighting in their confused looks, he gestures for them to think about it, before standing and taking a step to the side, in order to stretch.

Re: [Day 1 - Early Morning] Lessons for the Children

PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:30 am
by Shimizu Ryori
Ryori smiles at the Unicorn nodding to him his eyes looking over the children at play "strangely my own teachers gave us almost the same problem to ponder when we were young"

Re: [Day 1 - Early Morning] Lessons for the Children

PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:23 pm
by Otaku Kitakuhime
Atop her horse, Kitakuhime slowly approaches and dismounts. She waves for the energetic children to focus on the teacher's tales and nods to the Shinjo. Noticing the Lion, she nods to him as well. She remain silent to hear the kid's response.

Re: [Day 1 - Early Morning] Lessons for the Children

PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:59 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
Ryori smiles and bows toward the Otaku and again to Gekkou. He glances at the storyteller where he has taken a break.

Re: [Day 1 - Early Morning] Lessons for the Children

PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:12 pm
by Shinjo Hanashi
Hanashi grins a bit at seeing the Otaku ride up, stepping forward and offering his hand. "Otaku-sama! Good of you to stop by. I am certain the kids will be think all the harder to know what they share will be heard by one of your family."

There may be a sideways glance at the kid who could be heard saying something along the lines of "Hida can't be that strong, he never defeated a Moto."

Re: [Day 1 - Early Morning] Lessons for the Children

PostPosted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:51 am
by Otaku Kitakuhime
The Shiotome gives the Lion a nod while walking and greet her fellow Shinjo with a hearty arm shake. She smiles to him and looks at the kids, pointing them playful fingers that connect to her eyes.

Watching you, kiddos!

Kitakihume side-glances the bold kid and giggles.