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In Case of Technical Difficulties

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:04 pm
by adminC
Hi, everyone! I'm your friendly local webmistress, Canary, AKA adminC in the name list. If you run into any difficulties with the website itself (as opposed to the forum - not seeing private forums, etc. is more GMs), feel free to message me either here,, send me a PM, or send a PM to Doji Ameka. I'll be keeping an eye on all of those.

Also message me if you'd like to run a game in the future and need a forum for it.

Finally, if you'd like to help keep Fallenash up and running, we have a Patreon here:

Re: In Case of Technical Difficulties

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 2:22 am
by adminC
As many of you are aware, the Patreon has been updated with the dates of the next two games.

For those of you unaware... you have been enlightened.

We also may be upgrading the server in a couple of months. This thing is super old. I don't know what kind of interruptions or down time this might cause, but I'll do my best to keep everyone in the loop. If you haven't donated yet and would like to, it would help us upgrade when the time comes and keep the website up, stable, faster, and less glitchy for future games.

Re: In Case of Technical Difficulties

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 2:26 am
by Shosuro Yawarakai

Bless the Canary and Her forum.
Bless the coming and going of Her.
May Her databases cleanse the world.
May She keep the forum for Her people.

Re: In Case of Technical Difficulties

PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 2:36 am
by adminC
I do support any flagrant kowtowing anyone wishes to do, of course. :lol: