The Dark CouncilA twelve member strong council of the most powerful Sith in the Empire, to be feared but even they are not above ambition, twice in the history of the Sith Empire they have tried to overthrow the Emperor and both times were purged. This current Dark Council has been quite stable and effective in managing the Empire, of course with the watchful eyes of the Emperor’s Wrath none dare to try and hamper the plans of the Emperor. In general all seats are filled but the recent conflict has diminished the council as their numbers are lost to warfare and the first real fractures between the Dark Council members.
They are a council of equals but in practice there are three voices that hold the most weight, Darth Thanaton, Darth Marr, and Darth Arya; the eldest of the three is the mad crone Darth Arya, a powerful seer who is nearly blind from old age but her mind is sharp and her powers have no diminished. She tends to be the deciding vote, and is highly unpredictable. Darth Marr is the head of the Military Sphere and is a well known war hero within the Sith his voice tends to err on the side of what is best for the Empire and not so much self aggrandizement. Darth Thanaton oversees the collection of Sith history and preserving such works for all time, he is also very respected and many Sith see him as the future of the order. Darth Vengen is another influential leader but he tends to follow whatever his old master Darth Arya chooses.
Many believe that a shakeup is coming as Darth Arya is not long for this world, but people have been saying that for a century.
Dark Council Members- Darth Marr - Head of the Military Sphere (Human?) - Moderate
- Darth Thanaton - Keeper of Sith Tradition and Lore (Human) - Conservative
- Darth Arya - Crone of Secrets (Human) - Moderate
- Darth Vengen - High Commander of the Outer Rim Forces (Human/Cyborg) - Moderate
- Darth Vowrawn - Administrator of Internal Affairs (True Blood Sith) - Radical
- Darth Ravage - Black Operations Command (Humaan) - Moderate
- Darth Hurn - Lady of Pain and Special Operations (Human) - Conservative
- Darth Xevious - Master of Alien Affairs (Human) - Conservative
- Darth Jadus - Head of Imperial Intelligence (Human) - Radical
- Darth Hoshi - Ministry of Domination (Twi'lek) - Radical
- Seat Empty
- Seat Empty