Lion Poll: The Iron Chrysanthemum

What will the Lion do about the Hantei and the returned spirits?

Poll ended at Fri May 12, 2017 9:18 pm

The spirits are unnatural and should be returned to Toshigoku! With the assistance of the Kitsu, the Lion put the spirit armies to the sword. The act of cutting down their ancestors takes a terrible psychological toll upon the Lion, however, and when they turn to the Kitsu daimyo for guidance, she fails them and claims that the Lion Clan is doomed. Seppuku and depression ripple outwards through the Clan to devastating effect.
The Lion allow the spirits of their ancestors to move freely among the Clan, that they might speak with their ancestors. Even those spirits who are not Lion are allowed to return to their homelands with travel papers issued by the Lion. Unbeknownst to the Lion, however, this is all part of the Steel Chrysanthemum's plan, and the returned spirits begin to agitate their descendants into increased tensions with the throne. The Clans begin to separate into "traditionalist" and "modernist" factions as the debate grows in the courts, dividing the Empire in half just when it needs to be strongest.
The Lion Champion personally meets with Hantei XVI to discuss the issue of the spirits. The strength and surety of the Hantei catch the young Lion Champion off guard, however, and it casts the weakness of the current Emperor into stark contrast. When the Hantei promises the lands of the Crane to the Lion Champion for her support, she bends her knee and pledges fealty to the former Hantei.
The Lion delay their decision until the Emperor can arrive to speak with his ancestor. When he does, however, the Steel Chrysanthemum takes his descendant hostage and threatens to murder the Emperor unless he abdicates his throne. The Emperor refuses and is killed as the spirits rampage through Morikage Toshi, throwing the Lion Clan into chaos and leaving the Empress, Hantei Tokiyo, in control of Rokugan.
The Kitsu daimyo visits the spirit camp to atone for the sin of opening the Toshigoku portal that dragged the spirits back into Ningen-do. While in the camp, she is attacked by the spirits, who brutalize and murder her before seizing control of the Mirror of Sorrow. The spirits present the mirror to Hantei XVI, giving him access to the whole of Toshigoku. The mirror shatters as he uses it to open a colossal tear in dimensions, giving him an army of slaughter spirits bolstered by the ancient Kitsu... who have been warped and twisted into the fearsome Tsuno. The armies of the Iron Chrysanthemum then march on the throne, plunging the Empire into war.
Total votes : 51

Re: Lion Poll: The Iron Chrysanthemum

Postby Iuchi Saksaha on Sun May 14, 2017 3:45 am

I just realized this puts poor Master Dream out of a job. After she worked so hard to become the Imperial Advisor, having her pet Emperor murdered out from under her is gonna be a wrench... and she didn't get much time to enjoy the fruits of her labors, either.

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Re: Lion Poll: The Iron Chrysanthemum

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Sun May 14, 2017 4:00 am

Well, there's still the Lion Empress who has had no sort of training to be Empress.
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Re: Lion Poll: The Iron Chrysanthemum

Postby Ichiro Daisuke on Sun May 14, 2017 4:48 am

Yogo Mizuki wrote:Well, there's still the Lion Empress who has had no sort of training to be Empress.

Can't do any worse then the emperor.


I'll miss the emperor though, i liked him. Sure he was a bit quirky, but I thought he could do a lot of good.
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Re: Lion Poll: The Iron Chrysanthemum

Postby Kitsune Takeo on Sun May 14, 2017 10:58 am

He was definitely a nice guy.
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Re: Lion Poll: The Iron Chrysanthemum

Postby Akodo Runno on Sun May 14, 2017 11:01 am

Kitsune Takeo wrote:He was definitely a nice guy.

In the Game of Thrones nice guys die.
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Re: Lion Poll: The Iron Chrysanthemum

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Sun May 14, 2017 11:47 am

Is this Emperor the same one since Kyuden Agasha?
Yogo Mizuki wrote:Well, there's still the Lion Empress who has had no sort of training to be Empress.

Thankfully, the most important Empressing skill right now is going to be "leading a roaring rampage of revenge."

That, they do teach in Lion school.
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Re: Lion Poll: The Iron Chrysanthemum

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Sun May 14, 2017 11:50 am

There is still a Seppun Kato to think about in all this, isn't there?
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Re: Lion Poll: The Iron Chrysanthemum

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Sun May 14, 2017 12:01 pm

He'd much rather you not think about him, and instead leave him to his machinations.
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Re: Lion Poll: The Iron Chrysanthemum

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Sun May 14, 2017 12:24 pm

Kitsune Kumahime wrote:Is this Emperor the same one since Kyuden Agasha?
Yogo Mizuki wrote:Well, there's still the Lion Empress who has had no sort of training to be Empress.

Thankfully, the most important Empressing skill right now is going to be "leading a roaring rampage of revenge."

That, they do teach in Lion school.

Which is going to be fairly complicated. How does she punish the Lion for their failures without weakening them since she'll need them for the fight? Will the other Clans see it as enough? I think at best, she's a lateral move rather than a step up (albeit, her weakness will be for a different reason).
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Re: Lion Poll: The Iron Chrysanthemum

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Sun May 14, 2017 12:37 pm

Yogo Mizuki wrote:Which is going to be fairly complicated. How does she punish the Lion for their failures without weakening them since she'll need them for the fight? Will the other Clans see it as enough? I think at best, she's a lateral move rather than a step up (albeit, her weakness will be for a different reason).

Conveniently, the Lion have a built-in mechanism for mass punishment without significant loss of combat efficiency. Proclaim dishonor on a large scale, then throw the new deathseekers at the enemy.
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