Time Slots

Time Slots

Postby Mindshred on Sun Mar 05, 2017 1:34 pm

Time Slots

The following are the time slots that we will be using during this game. Please use the following tags when creating threads to properly designate the time slot in which the thread is taking place.

Threads that take place in time slots that do not exist will be cast into a temporal paradox, never to be seen again.

Your character may only have one thread per time slot per day.

    • Early Morning (5 AM - 8 AM)
    • Late Morning (8 AM - 11 AM)
    • Early Afternoon (11 AM - 2 PM)
    • Late Afternoon (2 PM - 5 PM)
    • Early Evening (5 PM - 8 PM)
    • Late Evening (8 PM - 11 PM)
    • Early Night (11 PM - 2 AM)
    • Late Night (2 AM - 5 AM)

This means that in order to recover Void Points and avoid becoming fatigued, a character will have to sleep for two consecutive time slots. Characters with the Blessed by the Realm (Yume-do) advantage only need to sleep for one time slot. Characters with the Cursed by the Realms (Yume-do) disadvantage will need to sleep for three consecutive time slots to recover Void Points and avoid becoming fatigued.


For the purposes of this game, a "session" will consist of the period of time between xp rewards, which for this game will be a period of three game days, or nine "Real Life" days.
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