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Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:24 pm
by Soshi Taira
In the second day, Taira caught his stride, and was a storm of localized energy, pacing before three scribes, dictating sentences to each in turn, giving extensive knowledge of the taint, the symptoms, the protection, and monsters most commonly encountered. While it wouldn't cover obscure topics like Kiyoshi, it would handle the basics and more.

As he strode, he spoke with a passion that was unusual for him. Perhaps this was his one way of fighting back against a miai that was preying on his patience, and his self-confidence.

"Taku, don't forget to add that corrupted animals cannot be eaten!"
"Nara, remember that when wearing jade, it is not always effective, always check with experts where possible to ensure there is no contamination."
"Suki, if any spirit ever asks for blood, it is a kansen and must be rejected out of hand. NO pure spirit will make that request!"
"Taku! If food is touched by corrupted items, it must be burnt!"

and so it went.


30 on the Lore with 2 raises this time, I'd say that passes most Lore checks, short of the identity of the obsidian champion and such specialized knowledge that doesn't help the Unicorn as much as knowing that 'taint bad yo'.

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Openish?)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:07 am
by Seppun Hitako
An Imperial is sitting before one of the Yurts, drinking some tea. She looks up at the noise from the procession, and then settles back. She doesn't say anything. He seems pretty busy, then she can hear what he is saying, and her face stops moving completely.

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 4:16 pm
by Soshi Taira
Taira continued his tirade, never slowing.

"Taku, when a heretic is discovered, there are three steps!"
"One. Identify the heretic."

He spoke step two into the far wall of the yurt, so it wasn't clear.

"Three, everyone has learned a valuable lesson."
"Nara, when corruption is confirmed, contact the Kuni immediately."
"Suki, when dealing with evil spirits, ordinary defenses will not be effective; you need to find priests able to perform purifying rituals!"

On and on he went, explaining just about everything a person could need to know about dealings with the darkness.

"Now, Suki, let's list the benefits of making deals with Jigoku."

A pointed silence.

"Now, let's list the costs of making deals with Jigoku. One, your soul, two, your honor, three, your life, four, your clan, five, everything else. Conclusion. Don't. Just. Don't."

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:36 am
by Seppun Hitako
Hitako sets her tea cup down, carefully arranges everything to be safe, then walked to the nearby tent, and clapped at the entrance.

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:56 am
by Soshi Taira
The lecture paused, and Taira approached the tent flap, pushing it open.

"Gomen, Seppun-sama. Have I disrupted your morning? I had thought most of the guests already departed to the event."

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 6:36 am
by Seppun Hitako
"Not as yet, ah, Scorpion-san. This one is Seppun Hitako, student of the Jade Champion." She gives a bow. "Ah, I just thought to make sure that you were aware of the range of your, ah, teachings."

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 12:06 pm
by Soshi Taira
Taira paused, and then beamed.

"A student of the Jade champion! Fantastic!"

Glancing back at the gathered scribes, he added, "I'm trying to provide the Unicorn with a basic, if comprehensive, set of scrolls to use, such that they can be aware of the danger and the best ways to combat it. I'm sure your knowledge would greatly improve the treatise."

Seeming to remember himself, he bowed and added, "Soshi Taira, magistrate's physician."

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:55 am
by Seppun Hitako
"Ah, I should mention, perhaps, I am not trained with a focus on being a magistrate, but on rejoining my family in time, and hopefully standing guard. My focus was more on courtly matters, not, ah, less savory areas."

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:40 am
by Soshi Taira
"Ah. Of course."

Taira looked slightly crestfallen.

"Then how can I be of service, Seppun-sama?"

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:25 pm
by Seppun Hitako
"I understand you are in your, ah, yurt, and have a reasonable expectation of privacy. I did wish you to know, however, your, ah, teachings were being broadcast throughout this area." She gives a bow. "It is, I am sure, information that should be shared and known, but not, perhaps, quite so... vehemently. In fact, I might be interested in learning some of it. Simply, in private, not, ah, public."

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:27 pm
by Soshi Taira
Taira turned a little red. "Of course... I get carried away. I'll be a little more... sedate."

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 6:07 am
by Seppun Hitako
"Might I stay and learn, then? Perhaps a touch less, ah, forcefully?"

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 10:43 am
by Soshi Taira
"Of course, I would be honored to share what I know."

Taira bowed, and stepped back into the tent, adding, "These are the scribes Ide-sama assigned. Taku, Nara, and Suki."

He indicated the three servants in turn. "They are remarkably good listeners. Ide-sama has impressive staff."

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 5:29 pm
by Seppun Hitako
"I am not surprised. The Ide are the family most involved in their equivalent of Courtier-training. Their servants would need to be among the best." She enters and finds a seat. Then, she smiles at him. "Hmm, training me might also allow them to note things in a more structured format, not just as the thoughts go through your head, as well."

Re: Instruct the Heathen (D7, LM, Taira's Yurt)

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 2:59 pm
by Soshi Taira
"Of course..."

Taira gestured that she could take any seat she wished.

"That is fair... I have attempted to keep myself organized, but a more official pace may be helpful as well."