In the second day, Taira caught his stride, and was a storm of localized energy, pacing before three scribes, dictating sentences to each in turn, giving extensive knowledge of the taint, the symptoms, the protection, and monsters most commonly encountered. While it wouldn't cover obscure topics like Kiyoshi, it would handle the basics and more.
As he strode, he spoke with a passion that was unusual for him. Perhaps this was his one way of fighting back against a miai that was preying on his patience, and his self-confidence.
"Taku, don't forget to add that corrupted animals cannot be eaten!"
"Nara, remember that when wearing jade, it is not always effective, always check with experts where possible to ensure there is no contamination."
"Suki, if any spirit ever asks for blood, it is a kansen and must be rejected out of hand. NO pure spirit will make that request!"
"Taku! If food is touched by corrupted items, it must be burnt!"
and so it went.
30 on the Lore with 2 raises this time, I'd say that passes most Lore checks, short of the identity of the obsidian champion and such specialized knowledge that doesn't help the Unicorn as much as knowing that 'taint bad yo'.