[Day 10 - Late Afternoon] The Stars Are Right!

Re: [Day 10 - Late Afternoon] The Stars Are Right!

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Sun May 07, 2017 1:05 pm

The comment made Tomoe break into a small chuckle too, and it also made her heart feel a little lighter. "Ah, hai. I will see what I can do to help with that. I've never spent much time in temples so I'm not familiar with what needs to be done, but I will do what I can. I almost had hopes that I might join the Unicorn myself, seeing as how they need people who can help them with... so much," she held out a hand to gesture at how much it was that the Unicorn needed assistance with.

"We'll have to see what happens tomorrow." I know Dong-Ha would probably be happier to remain as a Unicorn, so maybe we could work something out. "But I hope you will at least find some happiness with this path you'll be taking, Bayushi-sama."
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
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Re: [Day 10 - Late Afternoon] The Stars Are Right!

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Sun May 07, 2017 3:44 pm

"You should consider dropping by the Shrine of the Emerald Champion here, at least! We have shrines dedicated to Benten, Musubi and Hotei...just to name a few. Those seem rather fitting to pay tribute to, for our impending day of decisions tomorrow." She nodded readily at that. "I know that temples aren't your thing exactly, you don't have to do that! All those centuries away from the Empire, they're going to have a bit of history to catch up on. You're likely going to find yourself in demand, giving out history lectures almost every day!"

Hotaru gave a small hapless gesture at her hopes. It was something she wanted to be the furthest thing on her mind right now, despite the fact that the path to marriage was going to start tomorrow and she needed to pick a partner. She mustered a faint smile on her lips. "Ooh, well...I'm sure it'll work out somehow. Happiness finds its way. I'll keep praying to Hotei-no-kami every day and hope that my service to him earns some good blessings."
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
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Mamoru, Protector of Shrines
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Bayushi Hotaru
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Re: [Day 10 - Late Afternoon] The Stars Are Right!

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Sun May 07, 2017 8:39 pm

"I have offered a few prayers there in my stay here," she managed a weak chuckle. "Seemed only fitting since the first Emerald Champion had to complete three seemingly impossible tasks to earn the hand of the love of his life. But yes, staying here, I might have to just dedicate myself to becoming a teacher." Judging by the spark in her eyes, she probably wouldn't be opposed to it.

"I will offer my prayers as well, on your behalf, Bayushi-sama. One can only hope the Fortunes listen to someone like me, but I will not easily forget what you have done for me. Both Benten-kami and Hotei-kami might look favourably upon you for this. Know that should you ever come by Shiro Usagi, I will ensure that you are treated as a most honored guest."
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
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Re: [Day 10 - Late Afternoon] The Stars Are Right!

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Mon May 08, 2017 8:52 pm

Hotaru tittered and dipped her head once, "...Thank you, Usagi-san. I think I'll be needing every call for a favour from the Fortunes. We shall see what they think of me tomorrow and from that point forward. Shiro Usagi is on the River of Gold, is it not? I didn't think that we were too far away from our neighbours to the south. Maybe that might be possible."

"...I've spoken my piece and I'm pleased by your respectful consideration, Usagi-san. I should let you return to your day! We're only here for a little longer! Maybe a visit to see Dongu-Ha-san might even be in order..." She said with a rueful smile at that suggestion to Tomoe.
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
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Mamoru, Protector of Shrines
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Bayushi Hotaru
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Re: [Day 10 - Late Afternoon] The Stars Are Right!

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Mon May 08, 2017 8:57 pm

"Hai, we're right by the River of Gold, our lands border to yours, and I know many of our older members came from your clan. I'm certain you would be well-recieved," she spoke with a polite smile. "You will always be welcome to come visit. You and your family." Whoever your husband might be.

At the suggestion, Tomoe's smile grew fonder as she most likely thought about the man they both liked. "It does seem to be in order. Thank you, for everything, Bayushi-sama," a deep bow was given to Hotaru. "May the Fortunes smile upon you."
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
Honor: Exceptional • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Courtship: 6!

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Usagi Tomoe
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Re: [Day 10 - Late Afternoon] The Stars Are Right!

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Mon May 08, 2017 9:49 pm

"Hai, with my family..." She murmured, reminding herself that she wasn't going to walk away from this miai empty handed. Would she find consolation in someone else? Perhaps she should consider consulting the oracle on her matches here, finally.

"And the Fortunes will smile upon you, Usagi-san," she said with a bright smile and returned the bow, making her departure from Tomoe's yurt soon after. "Come, Mamoru-kun!"

Outside, she took in a strained breath, finally completely dropping the facade she held for the duration of the meeting. She did catch herself and quickly placed a hand over her nose. Her reddened eyes took a quick look around the area, worried if anyone noticed. No, no. Not here. You can cry elsewhere. When realizing that, she made her way toward the Western Fields and Mamoru bounded after his mistress.

Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly Short
Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honour: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 9

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Mamoru, Protector of Shrines
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Bayushi Hotaru
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