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(Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 3:44 am
by Moto Butaj
As the Moto chose puppies over wrassling, and Kitaku was forced to choose iai over wrassling, and generally there is never enough wrassling in the life of Butaj, Butaj is here to make a stand, make a point, make a fuss, make a difference... Throw a show by throwing people? Hairily bare-chested, he's warming up and waits for potential challengers.

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 2:14 pm
by Shimizu Ryori
Matsu Kyra enters the dojo as Butaj is warming up eyeing the large Moto for a moment as she pads slowly across the dojo floor. It is a couple tenses heartbeats before her brother, dressed in workout gi follows her in.

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 3:12 pm
by Shosuro Yawarakai
The tightly dressed Scorpion stepped into the dojo with the air of someone who had been in one a few times but was unaccustomed to the complete intricacies of the ritual. Still he made his way simply enough through the ritual of bowing to the shrine, then bowed quickly to the two who already occupied the space and made his way to find long bamboo sticks he had been lead to believe were available somewhere nearby.

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:36 pm
by Moto Butaj
Butaj doesn't feel like formality is a rule of the game with a pelt animal going around. He eyes the lioness from the perspective of a nice present he could make for Yuki out of that one. "Hello." He says to the newcomers. "Moto Butaj. Does any of you know how to wrestle?"

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 4:48 pm
by Shosuro Yawarakai
Yawarakai offered Butaj a polite smile and another quick bow.

"It's nice to meet you Moto-san, I'm Shosuro Yawarakai. That said, I'm supposed to meet someone here and if you're aiming to wrestle then I'd be poor faire you so I hope you'll excuse me."

Finally coming across the naginata stand-ins, the Scorpion picked up two and moved to one end of the dojo. He set one of them down and began his warmups. It would become very clear, very quickly that he was no expert at this sort of thing.

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 5:39 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
Fei entered, dressed as she always was. Leather vest with fur at the openings for both neck and her arms for design purpose with an average sleeved shirt. Glancing about the room she saw the Scorpion she had come here to meet but also Butaj and a Lion. Bowing to all, but with an added nod to her fellow Unicorn she stepped over toward the mat where Yawarakai stood warming up.

After watching for a moment she finally greeted, "Good morning, Shoshuro-sama."

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 5:53 pm
by Shosuro Yawarakai
"Good morning to you Shinjo-san" he answered with a bow. He tried to slip a toe under the bamboo pole but it skittered across the tatami. Rather than trying again, he bent down and picked it up then offered it to her.

"I hope you're well?"

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 6:06 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
"As well as anyone can be while hearing about myself constantly over the past weak," she said with a slightly irritated tone but that was just the morning still getting to her. Shaking her head she corrected that. "I am well, Shoshuro-sama."

Accepting the Bamboo she weighed it in her hand, judging how well it could work for their purposes, "It isn't weighted properly, and I would not normally train with something like this, but for today it should be fine. How does it feel for you Shoshuro-sama?"

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 6:28 pm
by Shosuro Yawarakai
"A little more comfortable than the real thing, less comfortable than a wooden replica. I don't use steel ones enough to be comfortable with the metal weighing it down on one end so at least there's that but it's harder to grip than my practice one back home," he said politely, ungripping and recurling his fingers around the bamboo haft in an attempt to find a more comfortable hold of his proxy weapon.

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 8:09 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
"Perhaps this might help you more than I?" she teased slightly. Focusing once again on the Bamboo again. Stepping away from the man she went through a few swings, a bit of movement, getting an idea of it before stopping and turning to him once again.

"Are you ready Shoshuro-sama?"

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 8:39 pm
by Shosuro Yawarakai
"Not in the slightest," he admitted with a wry grin and a shrug, "but that's not going to change what's going to happen anyway."

Yawarakai took a step forward, lifted the tip of his bamboo slightly, and nodded.

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 8:48 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
Spinning the bamboo stick around once more she leveled it off at Yawarakai. "Alright, let us get started," she said before inciting the step forward into an attack.

Init: 13
TN 20, No armor.

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 9:34 pm
by Shosuro Yawarakai
Yawarakai took her cue and stabbed impulsively. Stabbed widely, and missed by quite the margin.

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 9:41 pm
by Shinjo Liu Fei
Fei's stance was defensive, easily turning away the bamboo stick that would have certainly missed anyway. At least it let him feel as if she had defended, but that wasn't entirely the point in her action. Instead of capitalizing on the removed defense she just slid her bamboo back down and away from his.

Stepping away she came in with a telegraphed strike from the right, one aimed to cut into his side if he somehow was unable to defend against it. If the Bamboo stick had been bladed, that was.

Re: (Day 9, LM) Bariqu Unofficial (Open!)

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 9:46 pm
by Shosuro Yawarakai
Thanks to the telegraphing, Yawarakai was able to recover his stance and block the strike with the haft of his bamboo. Still his inexperience resulted in him overcommitting to the block which left his far side extremely exposed.