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A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:16 pm
by Soshi Taira
Soshi Taira came again to the building that overshadowed the village, this time with a different offer to the Unicorn.

Arriving, he inquired if the governor would be free for an audience.

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:49 pm
by Ide Dabo
Ide Dabo was quite busy fighting off a mountain of scrolls when Taira arrives, though he sets them aside when he notices the Scorpion and climbs to his feet. "Good morning, Soshi-san. How can I help you?"

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:52 pm
by Soshi Taira
"Ah, good morning Ide-sama."

Taira bowed deeply.

"I was actually coming to speak with you about, well, a somewhat heavy matter. One hopes he is not coming at a poor time."

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:06 pm
by Ide Dabo
"Is there ever a good time for such matters?" Despite his words, there is an easy smile on the Ide's face, and he motions to some cushions near his desk. "Please, speak to me of your problems."

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:11 pm
by Soshi Taira
Taira nodded, and took the designated seat.

"It is not so much a problem I am having, but one I suspect we may all share. I was recently speaking with some of your kin, and it became clear to me that there were some important matters in which you clan had not been... informed... it seemed, by those here in the Empire. Perhaps out of an excess of courtesy, they wished to avoid the topics."

Resting his hands in his lap, he added, "These are matters which could endanger your kin, and accordingly, I believe it only right I volunteer that information, in the spirit of unity among the clans. It occurs to me that, perhaps, there may be more matters in which the diplomats are less forthcoming, and that I could, perhaps, offer myself as a resource in answering any queries you may have; I am quite well read, and would gladly share that knowledge in service of a peaceful reunion of our clans."

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:30 pm
by Ide Dabo
"It does not surprise me that some things have slipped through the cracks. There is a great deal that has happened in the past seven hundred years." Dabo motions for Taira to continue. "Please, speak your mind."

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:12 pm
by Soshi Taira
Taira nodded. "Hai, of course. I cannot claim to know what has and has not been passed to your clan, so I wished to make myself available to answer any questions that you, or your kin, may have, regarding history, folklore, customs, dress, agriculture, geography..."

A slow breath. "I was spurred to mention this because of the incidents regarding the 'champion' of the ninth, that Moto Khulun plans to meet. I learned of it when I identified the gift for her, and after treating the wounds she has already suffered. There is a threat here that most are too polite to discuss, but which cannot be allowed to prey upon the Unicorn, merely because others were too uncomfortable to speak. In this matter, I offer my full knowledge, for it is an enemy that is greater than any clan alone."

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:11 pm
by Ide Dabo
"Yes, that." Dabo's smile seems strained for a moment. "Fortunately, Otaku Kitakuhime seems to have talked her out of such madness. I would give the matter much more concern... youth has a way of making one believe that the best solution is to charge forward as quickly as possible."

"However, it does bring to light certain gaps in our knowledge, as you have noticed. The Unicorn would be quite pleased to share your knowledge on the subject, Soshi-san."

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:19 pm
by Soshi Taira
"I am glad to hear it... I gave Ide Amaya some information regarding the threats... the same that I told Moto Khulun. The absolute danger, and heresy, of what she plans. Deals with the 9th are forbidden under Imperial law, under the same strictures banning Maho. I wish no further troubles incurred by... not knowing."

Taira took a slow breath, and stated, simply, "With that in mind, would it be better that I answer questions, or speak with scribes and make written records? What would be of service?"

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:24 pm
by Ide Dabo
"Given the situation, it may be best that you compile as much information as you can into written scrolls, which we can then copy and disseminate among the Clan. I would not wish to trust such important details to my own memory, lest an important piece be forgotten."

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:40 pm
by Soshi Taira
Taira nodded. "I would work fastest if I could dictate to a scribe, but if your staff are busy, I can put it down by my own hand to be copied. I would just need the supplies, I didn't bring enough to make thorough records."

With a chuckle, he added, "The empire is also quite large... are there any topics you would prefer I focus on?"

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:17 pm
by Ide Dabo
"You are welcome to use my scribes for this purpose." He motions in the direction of the waiting heimin. "For the time being, simply focus upon the matter at hand. Once the eagle begins flying too high above the ground, the details become lost even though its vision broadens."

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:20 pm
by Soshi Taira
Taira nodded. "I will get to work as soon as we are done. Did Ide-sama have any other concerns or questions?"

A pause, "Also, just to ensure it is known, I am also a doctor, and am available should any have need at any stage."

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 8:49 pm
by Ide Dabo
Dabo nods in understanding and thinks for a moment. "Have you seen to the Mantis woman? I believe she encountered some... some sort of creature the other day. It may be worth seeing whether she needs attention."

Re: A library that talks (Day 6, EM)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 8:57 pm
by Soshi Taira
"Ah, Yuzuki-san. I have attended to her wounds, and she is likely to make a full recovery in time. The dragon we fought was, certainly, a ferocious thing. I had never expected to survive the fight, and if not for Otaku Chi-pu no shiryo, Yuzuki, and Shinjo Liu Yue, I doubt I would have. It was odd seeing it here, as it is a creature of the... ... ocean."

A slow breath, and he rested his hands in his lap. "I will be sure to check up on her this afternoon, Ide-sama. I expect it will take some time to convey to your sages the core tenets of the threat, and laws regarding it, so I may need to return to speak with them further, if it is no trouble."