IDE EVENT: Welcome Dinner (D1, Early Evening)
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 1:50 pm
The Ide have prepared a large welcoming feast for Unicorn and Rokugani alike. The tables are stacked with food both traditional and more exotic, showcasing a variety of foods from within the Empire and beyond its borders. Tea, sake, sochu, and a fermented milk drink called kumis are all available to guests, as are a variety of meats, breads, vegetables, and sweets.
Servants move between the tables, refilling drinks and bringing out new plates of food as necessary, while the Ide watch from a distance, quietly conversing among themselves as they watch their guests.
Time Slot: Early Evening
Magic: Allowed
I Am Interesting and Fascinating: A character may attempt to make polite conversation with the other attendees of the miai.
The character first chooses a Lore Skill and makes a single Lore Skill / Intelligence Roll using that Skill, against a TN of 10. On a success, the character manages to choose an interesting subject for the other samurai around her, earning herself 1 Dinner Point, plus 1 Dinner Point per successful Raise. On a failure, the character chooses a boring or uninteresting topic and loses 1 Dinner Point per Raise she called on the roll.
Note that depending upon the topic chosen, a character may suffer an Honor loss as if she had committed a Minor Breach of Etiquette (as determined by the GMs after the fact).
I Can Speak Good: Next, the character must present her chosen topic in such a way that it flows naturally into the conversation, without abruptly changing the subject or interrupting others. The character must make a single Etiquette (Conversation) / Awareness roll against a TN of 10. On a success, the character presents her topic well, earning herself 1 Dinner Point, plus 1 Dinner Point per successful Raise. On a failure, the character embarrasses herself and loses 1 Dinner Point per Raise she called on the roll.
I Am Polite and Thoughtful: Finally, the character must navigate the tricky meal laid out in front of her, which involves a great deal of red meat (a faux pas for traditional Rokugani) as well as chopsticks and precise Rokugani table manners (which are strange and overly critical to Unicorn sensibilities). The character must make an Etiquette / Awareness Roll against a TN of 10 to avoid having some sort of adverse reaction to the presence of the food, or to simply eat her meal without seeming like an uncouth barbarian. On a success, the character earns 1 Dinner Point, plus 1 Dinner Point per Raise. On a failure, the character embarrasses herself and loses 1 Dinner Point per Raise she called on the Roll, as well as Honor appropriate to having committed a Minor Breach of Etiquette.
The Seven Thunders Are Fighting Fu Leng In My Stomach: Unfortunately, the dinner is a bit of a minefield for Rokugani and Unicorn alike, with a plethora of cheeses and milk-based foods threaten to distress the stomachs of the generally lactose-intolerant Rokugani, while the shrimp and lobster can prove problematic for those of ujik-hai heritage, as it also afflicts them with an allergy to shellfish.
Each character must attempt a TN 15 Stamina Challenge. On a success, the character is fine and she can enjoy the new foods all she wants. On a failure, the character becomes violently ill in the Late Evening and later threads, and will suffer a +5 TN penalty to all Skill Rolls for the rest of the night and all of tomorrow.
If a character fails this roll by 5 or more points, she also gains the Bad Fortune (Allergy) disadvantage for either milk (if non-Unicorn) or shellfish (if Unicorn).
Scoring: Once the dinner is finished, the Ide will take stock of how the dinner went. The character(s) with the most Dinner Points will earn 3 Courtship Points, the character(s) with the second most Dinner Points will earn 2 Courtship Points, and the character(s) with the third most Dinner Points will earn 1 Courtship Point.
Once you have made your post in this event, you may attend the celebration thread located here.
Servants move between the tables, refilling drinks and bringing out new plates of food as necessary, while the Ide watch from a distance, quietly conversing among themselves as they watch their guests.
Time Slot: Early Evening
Magic: Allowed
I Am Interesting and Fascinating: A character may attempt to make polite conversation with the other attendees of the miai.
The character first chooses a Lore Skill and makes a single Lore Skill / Intelligence Roll using that Skill, against a TN of 10. On a success, the character manages to choose an interesting subject for the other samurai around her, earning herself 1 Dinner Point, plus 1 Dinner Point per successful Raise. On a failure, the character chooses a boring or uninteresting topic and loses 1 Dinner Point per Raise she called on the roll.
Note that depending upon the topic chosen, a character may suffer an Honor loss as if she had committed a Minor Breach of Etiquette (as determined by the GMs after the fact).
I Can Speak Good: Next, the character must present her chosen topic in such a way that it flows naturally into the conversation, without abruptly changing the subject or interrupting others. The character must make a single Etiquette (Conversation) / Awareness roll against a TN of 10. On a success, the character presents her topic well, earning herself 1 Dinner Point, plus 1 Dinner Point per successful Raise. On a failure, the character embarrasses herself and loses 1 Dinner Point per Raise she called on the roll.
I Am Polite and Thoughtful: Finally, the character must navigate the tricky meal laid out in front of her, which involves a great deal of red meat (a faux pas for traditional Rokugani) as well as chopsticks and precise Rokugani table manners (which are strange and overly critical to Unicorn sensibilities). The character must make an Etiquette / Awareness Roll against a TN of 10 to avoid having some sort of adverse reaction to the presence of the food, or to simply eat her meal without seeming like an uncouth barbarian. On a success, the character earns 1 Dinner Point, plus 1 Dinner Point per Raise. On a failure, the character embarrasses herself and loses 1 Dinner Point per Raise she called on the Roll, as well as Honor appropriate to having committed a Minor Breach of Etiquette.
The Seven Thunders Are Fighting Fu Leng In My Stomach: Unfortunately, the dinner is a bit of a minefield for Rokugani and Unicorn alike, with a plethora of cheeses and milk-based foods threaten to distress the stomachs of the generally lactose-intolerant Rokugani, while the shrimp and lobster can prove problematic for those of ujik-hai heritage, as it also afflicts them with an allergy to shellfish.
Each character must attempt a TN 15 Stamina Challenge. On a success, the character is fine and she can enjoy the new foods all she wants. On a failure, the character becomes violently ill in the Late Evening and later threads, and will suffer a +5 TN penalty to all Skill Rolls for the rest of the night and all of tomorrow.
If a character fails this roll by 5 or more points, she also gains the Bad Fortune (Allergy) disadvantage for either milk (if non-Unicorn) or shellfish (if Unicorn).
Scoring: Once the dinner is finished, the Ide will take stock of how the dinner went. The character(s) with the most Dinner Points will earn 3 Courtship Points, the character(s) with the second most Dinner Points will earn 2 Courtship Points, and the character(s) with the third most Dinner Points will earn 1 Courtship Point.
Once you have made your post in this event, you may attend the celebration thread located here.