Moto Khulun wrote:Shimizu Ryori wrote:"Oh, " he nods looking less confused "so what does your stick mean?"
“I have no stick, I’m a woman,” she says with a laugh.
"Does a woman have no use for a stick?"
Moto Khulun wrote:Shimizu Ryori wrote:"Oh, " he nods looking less confused "so what does your stick mean?"
“I have no stick, I’m a woman,” she says with a laugh.
Shinjo Akil wrote:Ide Samai wrote:Shinjo Akil wrote:"If I knew, I'd gladly tell you," he smirked, "home isn't exactly a concept I know Well. If I have a choice, I'll do something that lets me travel some at least. But duty is what it is."
"True, Duty is a Virtue after all..." She smiled at him, her eyes once again wandering over the crowd. "One here will be my betrothed. The thought is... strange. And thrilling. What do you think Shinjo-san?"
"Strange is a word, yes," he nodded, "exhilarating works as well. A bit intimidating, maybe," he laughed.
Ide Samai wrote:"Quite true... but then, we thrive on challenges against the unknown." She leaned towards him. "I wonder how will our Moto cousina dare."
Moshi Asakiko wrote:She nodded. "I have but my pallet seem a bit more sensitive to set spices, Seppin sama. I hope your meal was more enjoyable."
Otaku Kitakuhime wrote:Asako Yuki wrote:Yuki smirked a little and lifted her own hand to cover her face. "Is he handsome, then?" She asked with amusement sparkling in her eyes.
The Shiotome blinks, thinking before saying her mind. With proper words chosen, she replies, "Many would say so. I can only assure his presence is amusing, and brings open smiles to people's faces."
Matsu Yurio wrote:How to explain . . . ? Where's a Kitsu when you need one?
"It is a matter of spiritual purity. That grown in the earth and fished from the waters is of the highest purity. It is something impressed on us at an early age by our priests."
Otaku Chi-Pu wrote:Matsu Kogo wrote:Kogo looks at Otaku-san with a warm gaze. "It is, very much so. A friend who has been with you through many days and many strange places. I fear too many discount the bonds that can appear between samurai and the other creatures of this world."
"Are there others in the Empire with bonds like our two families have? We certainly encountered many different creatures in our travels that various peoples had bonded and paired with."
Asako Yuki wrote:Otaku Kitakuhime wrote:Asako Yuki wrote:Yuki smirked a little and lifted her own hand to cover her face. "Is he handsome, then?" She asked with amusement sparkling in her eyes.
The Shiotome blinks, thinking before saying her mind. With proper words chosen, she replies, "Many would say so. I can only assure his presence is amusing, and brings open smiles to people's faces."
Yuki giggled again. "That is good to know, Otaku-sama. If he is half as entertaining as this dinner has been it will be time well spent."
Shinjo Monkhbaatar wrote:"In time every student becomes a teacher. And anyone that's truly living is always a student," he says with a smile. "I think that's simply going to be more pronounced in coming years with exchanges between the Unicorn and the other clans." As she looks at his features he pauses for a moment as there eyes meet. For that moment he just looks with a smile wondering at what she's thinking about.
Shinjo Akil wrote:"Oh, I am sure they attack the matter with the confidence and sureness of spirit that we know them for," he nodded and smirked, "certainly they have no fear of a challenge."
Moto Baatar wrote:"Ohh really?" Baatar said skeptically. "I've heard fortune tellers talk like that before, when the yarrow sticks aren't cooperating. 'The gods are displeased' and stuff. It's no big deal if you can't really talk to the kami, Kakita-san. You don't have to pretend just for me."
Soshi Taira wrote:Iuchi Saksaha wrote:
"Hmm." Saksaha looks at Taira curiously, gives the clear liquid another sniff, and empties the cup. In a thoughtful kind of way, though. "My mother's cooking is comfortable, but all the same I know it is not as fine as this." She tilts her head to indicate the spread on the tables around them--the beads of her headdress clack faintly as she does--and sets the cup down. "Now that I am to live in Rokugan, I think I must learn to tell good sake from bad. Unless I can find among you Rokugani a husband who is content to drink only kumis and arkhi..." She spears a bit of fried cheese with her chopsticks and nibbles, ruminating on this possibility.
Oh... interesting.
"Perhaps it would be better if you could find one who helped you learn the good from the bad in Rokugan? After all, he would count on you to help him with these new wonders your clan has brought with you."
Taira fished about in his bowl with his chopsticks until he had a strip of grilled... something. He didn't know what precisely it was, but it was clearly the meat of some sort of... not bird or fish.
And it was fabulous.
"I've heard a little about this kumis, though I haven't tried it. Arkhi I've never heard of. Would you be so kind as to enlighten me?"
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