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A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:35 am
by Asako Yuki
It had cooled considerably from the worst of the heat, so Yuki decided to take this opportunity to go see the horses while they were all together. That she'd also secreted a few apples in her sleeves to bribe them with was an added bonus of course. The Phoenix maiden, still lightly dressed but properly covered, moved into one of the long yurts and immediately had to cover her nose at the overpowering smell of manure. "Oof." She muttered to herself even as half the horses perked up and turned to look at the Phoenix.

"Hello." She said to the horses.

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:59 am
by Shinjo Akil
Akil was walking Setem back in for the evening. The horse seemed perhaps a bit annoyed, if one could read the thoughts of a horse. And so Akil was talking to the horse... who talks to a horse? Akil talks to a horse, apparently. "Easy, Setem. EASY. I know, we didn't get to run today, I'm sorry about that. I promise we'll run all morning tomorrow. Promise." It was hard to tell if it was helping.

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:11 pm
by Togashi Udo
Udo had not yet been to see the stables, and he decided now was a good time.

The large yurts were both similar and different to the yurts the samurai lived in, and the number of attendants was truly impressive. Udo found himself fascinated by the amount of care that was going into the horses as he wandered among the yurts.

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:03 pm
by Asako Yuki
"If today anything go by, tomorrow should be yes errr... good?"

Came a voice in clipped Mekhem behind the Shinjo as Yuki spoke up, moving closer to the man and his horse. "This one is Asako Yuki."

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:06 pm
by Shinjo Akil
Akil blinked as he heard Mekhem, looking to it's source and being more surprised as he bowed to her. "Ah, good evening, Asako-sama. This one is Shinjo Akil."

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:24 pm
by Asako Yuki
"I'm sorry for startling you, Shinjo-san." She apologized for showing off, then glanced at the Togashi as an invitation for him to join them. "Did the heat of the day keep your horse from getting the exercise they are used to? Or was it the events?" She asked without guile.

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:29 pm
by Shinjo Akil
"It was, erm," he considered his words carefully, "it was me. I am still recovering from yesterday's feast, and I prefer to be able to monitor his exercise from the saddle, so I chose to treat him more lightly."

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:31 pm
by Togashi Udo
Udo walks over and bows to each of them. "This one is Togashi Udo. A pleasure to meet you both and to see these magnificent creatures. I am quite impressed."

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:50 pm
by Asako Yuki
"Ah, I'd heard that many had... err... unfortunate disagreements with their meals." Yuki frowned. Probably wouldn't be seeing cheese in Phoenix lands any time soon.

She turned to Udo and bowed. "Togashi-san. It is a lovely evening for it. I've been close once before, but never near so many at once."

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:01 pm
by Togashi Udo
Udo nods in agreement. "The set up here is also quite impressive. It takes a lot of coordination to take care of so many animals."

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:08 pm
by Shinjo Akil
"So it seems. The dangers of fair one is not used to," he nodded, before bowing to the Togashi. "Well met, Togashi-san. I am Shinjo Akil. Thank you for complimenting the stables. We have dedicated a lot of time to ensuring that our set up for caring for animals is well thought out."

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:11 pm
by Togashi Udo
"It would seem. And to have a mobile stables, no less."

"Asako-san, have you ridden a horse before? I have not had the pleasure."

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:24 pm
by Asako Yuki
"My family had two, so I've ridden before." She paused, looking at Akil's horse. "But nothing like that." She looked at Akil. "Do they like apples like our horses?" A slight mischievous smirk appearing on her lips.

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:26 pm
by Shinjo Akil
"Setem certainly does," he nodded, petting the horse's head. The horse responded by loudly snorting at him. Akil looked at the horse blankly in response.

Re: A Nice Night to Horse Watch (Day 2, LE)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:28 am
by Asako Yuki
Yuki responded by digging around in one of her sleeves for a moment before finally revealing a rather tasty apple before the Unicorn and his horse. Her smirk turning briefly into a grin. "This may help his mood some, neh?"