by Shinjo Monkhbaatar on Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:27 pm
"Not quite yet. I've taken a longer route so you can see the variety of the herd. The truth of the matter is that there is also just as much variety in the blood of the Unicorn, though many of us also carry the blood of Shinjo-no-kami as well. Our years in distant lands saw us joined with many peoples that we came across and this had proven beneficial to us. Made us many friends and allies that kept us safe and strong while we were away from home. And now we bring that back to the empire so that we can share what we've found. Over time, as we reintegrate with the Empire that knowledge will become available to the Empire as well," he says.
"But like all wonderful things in this life we must take our time to learn and enjoy what is around us before we reach our final destination and start the next journey. For our stroll that destination is over that way a bit," he says smiling and pointing off in a different general direction. Right now though, we have company, stories and words to share."
"I've shared a bit about our herd. What is it that the Asako tend that brings them joy and helps them in their journey and duty?"
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Fortunate • Daring
Honor: Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 2Equipment: Daisho, armor, yumi, sake cup, bottle of water, knife,