PC List

Re: PC List

Postby Kitsu Takashi on Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:53 am

Kitsu Takashi
Gender: Male
Clan: Lion
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Courtier, Scribe
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Build: Lean
Hair: Black, Straight
Eyes: Dark Brown

The long, lean form of Kitsu Takashi shows none of the notable aspects of Kitsu parentage. On the other hand, he's almost instantly identifiable as a son of Ikoma from his cool but casual demeanor. While he carries the daisho like a bushi, there's an underlying bookishness to the man that suggests more time spent in study than in the dojo. In sum, Takashi seems a bit complex or incongruent--until he turns on his smile, there's the faintest sparkle of gold in his eyes, and all of a sudden he's offered to tell a story, sing a song, or "give it a try" with some musical instrument he swears he's never played before.

Takashi is very approachable, as might be expected for one who must practice diplomacy on behalf of a stern, unyielding clan. He's inquisitive in a polite way, smiles easily, and can often be seen nodding his head in understanding as others speak. With his unassuming, almost scruffy appearance, talking to him is almost as easy as talking to a bartender when you've already had a couple drinks...

A Kitsu who's not a shugenja? How does that work?
Takashi, why are you always writing things down?
I thought Kitsu never marry outside the clan. What are you doing here?
Want to talk Calligraphy, Lore stuff, or Acting? Awesome!
You think learning stuff, like history, is cool? Me too!
You just need someone to be a good listener? I'm all about that.
Lion Clan * Bushi/Courtier * Sensational * The jolliest Kitsu
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: As expected | Courtship points: 4
Always carries: Daisho, unremarkable clothing, and some writing supplies (calligraphy set if planning ahead, but always a bit of charcoal and parchment).
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Kitsu Takashi
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Re: PC List

Postby Matsu Nintoku on Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:34 am

Matsu Nintoku

Gender: Male
Clan: Lion
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Bushi
Age: 18
Height: 5'10"
Build: Strong
Hair: Gray Blonde
Eyes: Hazel

Matsu Nintoku is the perfect poster boy for the Lion Clan. Honorable and brave, the young Matsu has performed admirably in every mission his clan has tasked, undertaking his assignments with the silent passion that characterizes a budding Lion paragon.

Despite all of this, the common traits of abrasiveness and bravado are simply not present in the Matsu. While he might come across as aloof and distant, the young Lion has always been described as an extremely courteous and, surprisingly, person a fact that causes quite some confusion when his family name is revealed.

His physique is what one would expect from a Matsu. A strong frame with a fierce blondish mane crowning it.
Lion Clan • Bushi • Hero • Kuge • Sometimes Smiles • Cuter Than A Goat
Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 3
Carries: Daisho, Sturdy kimono, Travel pack, Khulun's EXQUISITE fan.
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Re: PC List

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:10 am

Name: Shiba Kaizen
Gender: Male
Clan: Phoenix
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Yojimbo
Age: Almost 17
Height: 5'
Build: Strong
Hair: Black
Eyes: Almond Brown

Shiba Kaizen competed in the previous years Topaz Championship as his brother Kenshiro had two years prior. Kenshiro considered a prodigy among the Shiba had high expectations but was killed during an iaijutsu match against Kakita Jinsoku disgracing the Crane samurai. Kaizen two years later performed well and was extremely well regarded by the judges and his peers. Unbeknownst to Kaizen, Kakita Jinsoku's favorite cousin Kakita Mariko would square off against him in the second round of iaijutsu.

When the iaijutsu competition started rumors began to fly of the match up in the second round between Mariko and Kaizen. That it was kharmic fate, that it was a curse, and that something was bound to happen. The Scorpion in particular played up the story, though within bounds of decorum of course. Mariko heard these words ever the social being and they unsettled her. Kaizen spent his time in meditation unaware of the strange emphasis of the coming match. Mariko failed to compose herself and gain first blood. Rather Kaizen’s blade struck the side of Mariko’s beautiful face leaving a large gash of a flesh wound.

Kaizen did not achieve the Championship, but he proved highly skilled and very likeable to the judges and onlookers. Mariko on the other hand has spoken to no one since her loss and has sought refuge at the Temple of Benten. No one knows of her thoughts they only see the scar, though it is said she left the Championship clutching a letter and a single purple Hiyashinsu blossom.

This story is well known to those with their fingers on the pulse of such matters such as courtiers who revel in such gossip. Those who do not only know of Kaizen's skills demonstrated at the Topaz Championship.
Phoenix Clan * Yojimbo * Previous Year Topaz Competitor of Renown * Crane are not Fans of.. * Short
Glory: 2.0 * Status: 1.0 * Honor: What is Expected * Courtship Points: 5
Carries: daisho, fan, samisen, and wears decent quality clothing with a haori and hakama
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Re: PC List

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:01 am

Seppun Aramoro
Gender: Male
Clan: Imperial
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Sentry/Aspiring Hidden Guard
Age: 18
Height: 5'7"
Build: Thin
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown with slightly milky pupils

Aramoro tend to carry a stoic expression with a slight frown, but when engaged in social interaction his demeanour changes to a better received emotion. He tends to be more conservative in terms of manners and behaviours, but has an open mind to themes of discussion. He sounds well versed on a range of topics.

Seppun Aramoro is from a long line of Seppun Guard, a lineage he seems to carry with respect. However he seems to also carry a weight when this subject is discussed. He spent most of his time off-duty on researching. He likes to eat sweets.
Imperial • Hazy Pupils • Shugenja • Knowledgeable • Conservative • Wealthy
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Expetional | Courtship Points: 9
Carries:Robes, Kimono, Wakizashi, Scroll Satchel, Fan, Sweets • Profile
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Re: PC List

Postby Ryuuta Tsume on Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:25 pm

Ryuuta Tsume
Gender: Female
Clan: Pirahna
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Junior Mercantile Negotiator
Age: 20
Height: 5'2"
Build: Birdlike
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown

Description: Tsume is a small, quiet woman on first meeting. When her interests flare or bargaining however she comes to a flickering boldness that surprises anyone unfamiliar with her. She has a very fair complexion and usually is found wearing a hat when not under the forest she calls home. She is bright, but is known to occasionally look off into the distance with a sorrowful visage.
Piranha Clan • Courtier • Prone to Sadness • Likes Animals
Glory: 1.0 • Status 1.0 • Honor: Untrustworthy • CP: 0
Carries: Wakazashi, Hat
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Re: PC List

Postby Miya Mei on Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:06 am

Miya Mei
Clan: Imperial Families
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5’4’’
Build: Slender
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue
Status: Single

Miya Mei's hair is white, eyes blue, and the powder blue Kimono with the Kakita mon embroidered into the shoulders of her kimono all suggest her to be a member of Crane. However, upon closer inspection, one would find the Miya mon over her heart, revealing her status as a member of the Imperial Families.

Her build is slender, but not frail.

She speaks with the niceties any Crane would expect, but also with the authority of an Imperial.

She carries an elegantly decorated katana that has been passed down to her from her late sensei, named "Meng", or dream.


Additionally, Mei can occasionally be seen riding her Rokugani pony, Ti-Lu

Imperial | Duelist | Kakita Trained | Unmarriable
Honor: Exceptional | Glory: 1.0 |Infamy 1.0 | Status 1.5 | CP: -2


Wielder of an elegantly decorated katana, Meng. D8+ carries Shinjo Kemuri's Fan
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Miya Mei
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